
Michałowski, Aleksander (EN)


Michałowski Aleksander Jan, *23 March 1891 Warsaw, †4 June 1976 Warsaw, Polish singer (bass) and actor. He studied at the Warsaw Conservatory under J. Łysakowski, and in 1911–1912 took singing lessons from T. Leliwa. In 1913 he made his debut at the National Opera in Warsaw as Pharaoh in Verdi’s Aida. During the First World War he was called up for military service. From 1919 to 1939, he sang again on the opera stage in Warsaw, at the same time performing also as an actor at the Teatr Wielki. He also repeatedly took part in oratorio concerts of the Warsaw Philharmonic and travelled to the Eastern Borderlands with Ormuz. After 1945 he devoted himself mainly to teaching, including at the Higher School of Theatre. In 1945–1963, he performed in Warsaw’s drama theatres. His powerful, superbly trained voice with a deep sound and extensive scale, as well as his high musical culture, allowed him to perform the most difficult parts of the world and Polish bass repertoire (e.g., Cardinal de Brogni in F. Halévy’s La Juive (“The Jewess”), Marcel in G. Meyerbeer’s Les Huguenots, Gurnemanz in Wagner’s Parsifal). He appeared in around 60 operas receiving critical acclaim.