
Sonnleithner, Leopold (EN)

Biography and Literature

Sonnleithner [z’onlajtner], Sonnleitner Leopold von, *15 November 1797 Vienna, †4 March 1873 Vienna, Austrian lawyer, musician and writer, son of Ignaz. He studied music with J. Preindl. He played several instruments fluently. In 1816, he met Schubert when he took part in a student performance of his cantata Prometheus. He soon became one of Schubert’s closest friends and a passionate advocate of his music. On the initiative of L. von Sonnleithner, a group of Schubert’s friends secured the costs of the first edition of his works in 1821, including Erlkönig and Wanderer songs. L. von Sonnleithner’s memories of Schubert were included in the first biographies of the composer.

Literature: A. Fareanu Leopold von Sonnleithners Erinnerungen an Franz Schubert, “Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft” I, 1919; O.E. Deutsch Schubert. Die Erinnerungen seiner Freunde, Leipzig 1957, 3rd ed. 1974; O.E. Deutsch Leopold von Sonnleithners Erinnerungen an die Musiksalons des vormärzlichen Wien, “Östereichische Musikzeitschrift” XVI, 1961.