
Pfeiffer, Helmut Carl (EN)

Biography and Literature

Pfeiffer, Pfeifer Helmut Carl, *26 April 1921 Stuttgart, German piano builder, son of Walter. In 1953, he took over and rebuilt the company after its destruction in 1943. The Model 191 he created received very high ratings. Since 1990, the factory has been managed by his son Georg (*20 January 1959 Köngen, near Stuttgart). In 1994, the company was moved to Leonberg near Stuttgart. By then, 34,350 instruments had been built there. The company has always been famous for its high-quality instruments, since 1964 known widely beyond the local market and considered the best for performing chamber music.

Literature: A. Dolge Pianos and Their Makers, Covina 1911, reprint New York 1972; M.F. Jehle Württembergische Klavierbauer des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt am Main 1982; H. Henkel Lexikon deutscher Klavierbauer, Frankfurt am Main 2000.