
Bruzdowicz-Tittel, Joanna (EN)


Bruzdowicz-Tittel Joanna, *17 V 1943 Warsaw, †3 XI 2021 Taillet, polish composer, pianist, music critic, and publicist. She was daughter of a cellist Konstanty Bruzdowicz and pianist Maria Bruzdowicz (née Wilczek). In 1966, she graduated with a degree in composition under K. Sikorski at the Higher State School of Music in Warsaw (she also studied piano under I. Protasiewicz and W. Łosakiewicz). She began her piano career already during her studies, giving concerts, among others, in Belgium, Austria and Czechoslovakia. She co-founded the Polish section of “Jeunesses Musicales” and in 1964–68 she was the Secretary General. In 1968 she received a scholarship from the French government, and until 1970 she studied composition in Paris under N. Boulanger, O. Messiaen, and P. Schaeffer, as well as musicology under J. Chailley at the Sorbonne, where she obtained her PhD on the basis of her thesis Mathematics and logic in contemporary music. In 1969 she was a co-founder of Groupe International de Musique Electroacoustique de Paris (GIMEP). In addition to composition, Bruzdowicz was also involved in music criticism and journalism. She co-produced programmes promoting new music on French, Belgian and German radio, gave lectures, and, together with her husband H.J. Titteel wrote film scripts for French and German television. She also led composition courses, mainly in France and the United States. Bruzdowicz was a founder, a president of the Frederic Chopin and Karol Szymanowski Society of Belgium, and a vice-president of the International Federation of Chopin Societies. From 1996 she organised an International Music Festival in Ceret, France. In 2006, on Bruzdowicz’s initiative, a film production and distribution centre and a film music recording studio (CAT.Studios) were founded in Perpingan, southern France. Bruzdowicz held Polish and French citizenship. From 1975, she lived in Tervuren near Brussels, and then from 2002 in Céret (Northern Catalonia). Joanna Bruzdowicz received the Order of Polonia Restituta (2001), Silver Medal for “Merit to Culture Gloria Artis” (2013), and Honorary Award of the Polish Composers’ Union (2019). She raised three sons (Mark, Jan and Jörg); she passed away in her music studio in Taillet, in the Eastern Pyrenees.

Bruzdowicz’s early works are characterised by a free form, the use of modern means of compositional technique, a variety of timbres, original juxtaposition of performance techniques, also electronic, particularly frequent use of tape. In the 1970s, the composer began to create serious pieces for performers, addressing her works to a wide audience, including stage compositions, television, and soundtracks for movies. In her instrumental works she referred to classical forms and genres (symphony, concerto, quartet, sonata). In Bruzdowicz’s stage works, historical and socio-political themes often appear. Her first opera, Kolonia karna is a protest against the tyranny of authority. Trojanki carries a feminist undertone, while Bramy raju addresses the issue of religious fanaticism. In Tides and Waves the subject is fight with drug addiction, and the ratorio profane Lella touches upon the theme of defence against fascism. Significant are her piano pieces, for piano solo, accompanied by orchestra or tape, written regularly throughout her sixty-year compositional career. All of Bruzdowicz’s work is characterized by a strong sense of drama, which is particularly expressed in her instrumental compositions through a specific, tension-filled melody, sometimes with references to folk elements. Bruzdowicz’s compositions are primarily intended for audiences from France and Belgium. Nevertheless, the composer’s attachment to the Polish national tradition is evident, for instance, in Mater Polonica for organ, the central motif is Bogurodzica. Historical references to significant Polish historical events and programmatic literary overtones, for example Sonata d’Octobre for piano is subtitled “In memory of October 16, 1978, the day of the election of Pope John Paul II”; in String Quartet No. 1 “La Vita”, dedicated to K. Szymanowski, each of the three movements corresponds to different stages of the composer’s life, with the highland atmosphere market subtly. The Cry of the Phoenix evokes the tragedy of the Warsaw Uprising, while Song of Hope and Love refers to the extermination of Polish Jews. According to the composer, it is equally important to consider national traditions in the creation process as it is to work within a contemporary, international musical language. 


Instrumental works:

Concertino for 2 pianos, 1957–1959

Wariacje for piano, 1962

Listy for piano, 1962

Wariacje for string quartet, 1963

Miniatury for clarinet and piano, 1963

Koncert for vibraphone and piano, 1963

Sept miniatures for solo flute, 1964

Quintet for wind instruments, 1966

Per Due for violin and piano, 1966

Epigramy for violin solo, 1966, published in Kraków 1967

Erotiques for piano, 1966, Paris 1972

Suite in memoriam Sergei Prokofiev in memoriam, 1967

Impresje for two pianos and symphonic orchestra, 1968

Éclairs for chamber orchestra, 1969

Esquisses for flute, viola, cello and piano, 1969

Stigma for cello, 1969, published in Paris 1971

Salto for percussion and tape, 1970

Fas et nefas for tape and prepared guitar, 1970

Pehnidi for solo harpsichord, 1970

Epitafium (“pamięci mojego ojca [in memory of my father]”) for harpsichord and tape, 1973, published in Paris 1973

Epizod for piano and 13 string instruments, 1973, published in Paris 1973

Esitanza for 2 pianos or piano four hands, 1973, published in Paris 1974

Mater Polonica, fantasia for organ on the theme of Bogurodzica, 1973, published in Paris 1973

An der schönen blauen Donau for 2 pianos and tape, 1974, published in Paris 1974

I Koncert fortepianowy, 1974

Ette for solo clarinet, 1974

I Koncert skrzypcowy, 1975

Einklang for harpsichord and organ 1975, published in Paris 1976

Symfonia, 1975

Trio for soprano or baritone, cello and piano, second version for any 6 performers with piano, third version for any 9 performers with piano, 1975

October Sonata (Sonate d’Octobre) In Memoriam 16 X 1978 (the election of Pope John Paul II), 1978

Equivocita for clavichord, 1978

Aquae Sextiae, suite for brass quintet and brass orchestra, 1978

Fantasia hermantica on S-A-B-B-E theme for viola and piano, 1979

Tre contra tre for flute, oboe, viola and 3 percussions, 1979

Marlos Grosso Brasileiras “Chant d’amitié” for flute, violin, harpsichord, and tape, 1980

Preludium i fuga for harpsichord solo, 1980

Trio dei due mondi for violin, cello and piano, 1980

II Koncert skrzypcowy, 1981

Trio per Trio, suite for flute, violin, and harpsichord, 1981

Dum spiro spero, musical scenario for flute and tape, 1981, premiered at Warsaw Autumn 1983

Para y contra for double bass and tape, 1981

Dreams and Drums for percussion solo, 1982

Concerto for double bass and orchestra, 1982

Oracle for bassoon and tape (first version for bassoon solo), 1982

String Quartet No. 1 “La Vita”, 1983, premiered at Warsaw Autumn 1986, published in Kraków 1995

Aurora Borealis for harp and organ, 1988

String Quartet No. 2 „Cantus Aeternus” with recitative, text by H. Miller, Cz. Miłosz, I. Bachmann et al., 1988

Four Seasons Greetings for string chamber orchestra and soloists, 1989

Je me souviens for marimba solo, 1990

Violin Sonata No. 1 “Il Ritorno” 1990

Violin Sonata No. 2 “Spring in America”, 1994

Spring in America, sonata for violin and piano, 1994

The Cry of the Phoenix, concerto for cello and orchestra, 1994

Song of Hope and Love for cello and piano, 1997

Symfonia for 2 guitars, percussion and string quintet or chamber orchestra, 1997

16 pictures from Salvador Dali’s Exhibition for piano, 2004

Fanfare for Celebration of Women in Music for brass ensemble, 2005

Quintet “Tramuntana” for saxophone and string quartet, 2006

Symphony No. 2 “Concertino for Orchestra”, 2007

Toccata for organ, 2007

Concertino for piano and orchestra, 2010

Vocal and instrumental works:

Mały Apollo, song for soprano and piano, 1961

Niobe for soprano, speaker and instrumental ensemble, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1964

Czystość song for soprano and piano, 1965

Etiudy przestrzenne, 3 songs for mixed choir a cappella, text by K.A. Jeżewski, 1965

Już kocham cię tyle lat, song for bass and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Oto widzisz znowu idzie jesień, song for soprano and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Prośba o wyspy szczęśliwe, song for baritone and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Śpij w spokoju, song for soprano and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Wczoraj, song for soprano and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Wierszyk o wronach, song for baritone and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Wizyta, song for baritone and piano, text by K.I. Gałczyński, 1965

Rysunki z przystani for mezzosoprano, flute, piano and percussion, text by J. Gorostiz, 1967, published in Kraków 1975

Pieśni do poematów Konstantego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego for vocal and instrumental ensemble, 1968

Jour d’ici et d’ailleurs for mixed choir, vocal quartet, narrator and chamber ensemble, text by P. Miguel, 1971

A claire voix for mixed choir, 3 various brass instruments, piano and tape, 1973

From Love and Death for low voice and tape, text by L. Bruder, 1978

Urbi et Orbi, cantata for tenor, children’s choir, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones and organ, text by H.J. Tittel and H. Hess, 1985

La Espero, cantata for soprano, baritone, harpsichord and strings, text by L. Zamenhof, 1990

On Prayer, song for soprano and piano, 1990

Stabat Mater for choir a cappella, 1993

World, 5 songs for soprano and piano, text by Cz. Miłosz, 1996

Salvador Dali, poem for baritone and piano, text by P. Eluard, 2004

Ave Maria for contralto and organ, 2007

From the Fever World for mezzo-soprano, string quartet and piano, text by J. Dubrow, 2013

Stage works:

In der Strafkolonie, musical drama, libretto J. Simonides based on F. Kafka, 1968, premiere in Tours 1972, second version 1995

Les Troyennes, musical tragedy, libretto J. Luccioni based on Euripides, 1972, premiere in Paris 1973

Die Geschichte eines neugierigen Vogels, music theatre for children with improvisation on electronic music, 1976, premiere in Versailles 1976

Le petit prince, ballet for 12 instruments and tape, libretto based on A. de Saint-Exupéry, 1976, premiere in Brussels 1976

The Gates of Paradise, opera for voice solo, 8 actors, young singers’ choir and tape, libretto by J. Lisowski after J. Andrzejewski, 1984, premiere in Warsaw 1987

En attendant Anaïs, musical for children, libretto by M. Fuks and T. Danblon, 1987, premiere in Brussels 1987

Tides and Waves, opera-musical, libretto by J. Bruzdowicz, H.J. Tittel and H. Fuerst-García, 1991, premiere in Barcelona 1992

Lella – Oratorio Profane for mezzo-soprano, soprano, oboe, string quartet, percussion, female choir and speaker, libretto by Ch. Shapira, based on the play written by her, entitled Lella, Danielle Casanova, une vie, 2011, premiere in Céret, 2015

Film music:

Objects de réflexion, documentary on I. Xenakis, directed by B. Nyberg, 1969

La mort de Lord Chatterley, directed by G. Katz, 1972

Chita je t’aime, directed by G. Katz, 1973

Les Cyclopes, television play based on Euripides, 1973

La foret d’Orleans, directed by G. Katz, 1976

Aussagen nach einer Verhaftung, directed by G. Moorse, 1978

A propos de la neige fondue, directed by G. Katz, 1979

Bobo la tête, directed by G. Katz, 1980

Tante Blandine, directed by G. Moorse, 1982

Islande, directed by Ph. Morse, 1982

Sans Toit, ni Loi [Vagabond], directed by A. Varda, Golden Lion award in Venice 1985

Un échec de Maigret, directed by G. Katz, 1985

Stahlkammer Zürich, television series (36 episodes), script by J. Bruzdowicz and H.J. Tittel, directed by C. Bleisaiss, P. Fratcher, K. von Kotze, 1985–91

Le dernier prix, seria 5 dernières minutes, directed by G. Katz, 1987

Le Jupon rouge, directed by G. Lefevbre, 1987

Kung Fu Master, directed by A. Varda, 1988

Jane B. par Agnès V., directed by A. Varda, 1988

Jeumont, 51 minutes d’arrét, directed by G. Katz, 1989

Jacquot de Nantes, directed by A. Varda, 1991

L’homme que j’ai tué, directed by G. Moorse, 1994

Les grandes dames du strip-tease, directed by F. Levie, 1994

L’uomo che ho ucciso, directed by G. Moorse, 1996

Un air si pur, directed by Y. Angelo, 1997

Glaneurs et la glaneuse, directed by A. Varda, 2000

Deux ans plus tard, directed by A. Varda, 2002

Le lion volatil, directed by A. Varda, 2003

Les Âmes grises, directed by Y. Angelo, 2005

Entrepreneur, documentary, directed by J. Bricklin, 2006

Testudo, directed by J. Tittel, 2007

Les plages d’Agnes, directed by A. Varda, 2008

J’ai oublié de te dire, directed by L. Vinas-Raymond, 2009

Battle for Britain, directed by A. Helfrecht, 2010

Gilbert Planche, documentary, directed by G. Treves, 2010

De ci de la Agnes, 6 TV films for Canal Plus, directed by A. Varda, 2011

The White King, directed by A. Helfrecht and J. Tittel, 2016

Electronic and electroacoustic music:

Ek-Stasis, electroacoustic music, 1969

Phobos for tape, 1969

Homo Faber, electronic trilogy: 1. Le souffle, 1971, 2. La solitude, 1972, 3. La solitude, 1975,

Inner Space – Outer Space for tape, 1978

Bartokalia for Béla Bartók for tape, 1979

Neue Kinderszenen, electronic suite for children, 1980