
Maklakiewicz, Franciszek (EN)

Biography and Literature

Maklakiewicz Franciszek, pseud. Izbicki, Ukłuda, *22 September 1915 Mszczonów, †26 September 1939 Łuków, composer, brother of Jan Adam and Tadeusz Wojciech. In 1929–36, he studied at the Warsaw Conservatory; he obtained a diploma with distinction in the class of K. Sikorski. In 1934, he passed his middle school leaving exam at the T. Reytan Middle School in Warsaw. In September–December 1934, he attended the theological seminar in Warsaw. In 1937, he cooperated with the Military Scientific and Educational Institute of the Ministry of Military Affairs. In 1939, he took part in warfare as a volunteer, defending the Dęblin-Łuków railway line as a machine gun operator; seriously wounded, he died in a field hospital. He quickly composed, apart from symphonic and chamber music, also choral works, film music, illustrations for performances in the Reduta Theatre, soldier and religious songs. Franciszek Maklakiewicz’s work belongs to the neoclassical trend. From just a few years of creative activity (since 1933) there is a significant, although incomplete, output – many works have been lost.

Literature: M. Greta Pieśni Franciszka Maklakiewicza: zagadnienia wykonawcze w aspekcie analizy literackiej, Borno Sulinowo 2009; Tadeusz Maklakiewicz’s memories of Franciszek, in: J. Maklakiewicz Saga rodu. Pieśni braci Franciszka, Jana i Tadeusza Maklakiewiczów, album review ISBN-978-0-883-9386, Piotr Janowski Foundation, Warsaw 2020; R. Majzner, M. Świostek Życie i twórczość Franciszka Maklakiewicza, in: Śpiew: Historia, praktyka, pedagogika, vol. 3, Wrocław 2021, pp. 45–55.




Symphonic Allegro 1935

Kujawiak pogański for small orchestra, Warsaw 1936

Wycinanki łowickie for small orchestra, Warsaw 1936

Od wsi do wsi, suite for small orchestra, Warsaw 1937

Marsz for wind orchestra (1st prize in the competition of the Ministry of Military Affairs, 1939)

chamber and solo:

String Quartet 1935, Warsaw 1977

Cat’s Dream [Sen kotka] for flute, viola horn and harp, 1935, Warsaw 1977

Collection of Polish Dances [Zbiór tańców polskich] na fortepian

Zwróć nam łaskę: Andante religioso, cover for cello and organ (music Franciszek Maklakiewicz, transcription Jana Maklakiewicz), 1941

over a dozen pieces for organ

Vocal and vocal-instrumental:

over a dozen of religious vocal-instrumental compositions

4 masses for male choir and organ

Narodziny serca, children’s ballad to words by K. Makuszyński, 1936 (lost)

Bolero: tango, music J. Llossas, lyrics A. Własta, arrangement F. Izbicki, 1939

O Marszałku Rydzu-Śmigłym: śpiew historyczny for 2-voice female choir, 4-voice male choir or together a 6-voice mixed choir, lyrics J. Hübner, 1937


Kocham Cię, lyrics K.Tetmajer, 1934

A możesz już zapomnieć, lyrics B. Bąkowska, 1935

Na próżno, lyrics B. Bąkowska, 1935

W srebrną noc, lyrics M. Łuczyńska, 1935

Zawód, lyrics K. Tetmajer, 1935

Panieneczka, lyrics A. Asnyk, 1936

Noc, lyrics T. Lenartowicz, 1936

Zmrok, lyrics L. Staff, 1938

Jakże możecie kwiaty, lyrics L. Staff, 1938

Zdajesz mi się jakąś cichą pieśnią, lyrics L. Staff, published in a collection of 6 songs, Warsaw 1980

Szumy, lyrics E. Słoński

Życzenie, lyrics K. Tetmajer, published in a collection Liryka miłosna, Warsaw 1983

Joanna tango, lyrics Drabik, Warsaw 1938, Kraków 1958

4 solo songs with organ to religious texts


Wanda, 2 opera scenes, lyrics C.K. Norwid, 1936

Stajenka betlejemska, 6 scenes with music, lyrics K. Jeżewska, Warsaw 1937, Wrocław1948

Podanie o Piaście, lyrics K. Jeżewska, Warsaw 1938, Wrocław 1948

Film music:

music for the short film Roman Dmowski, 1939

musical illustrations for Jewish short films about Palestine