
Kalkbrenner, Christian (EN)

Biography and Literature

Kalkbrenner Christian, *22 September 1755 Minden (Westphalia), †10 August 1806 Paris, German composer and bandmaster. He began his musical education with his father Michael Kalkbrenner (a city musician in Kassel) and continued with an organist J. Becker and violinist C. Rodewald. From the age of 17, he was a chorister and violinist at the French opera in Kassel. In 1784, he received honorary membership of the Società Filarmonica in Bologna for the mass he sent. In 1785, he was appointed bandmaster of the Prussian royal court, and from 1790, he held this position at the court of priest Henry of Prussia in Rheinsberg. In 1796, he left Germany and stayed, among others, in Naples. In 1799, he became Maître des Choeurs et des Ecoles at the opera in Paris.

Christian Kalkbrenner was a comprehensively educated musician. In his works, he showed good mastery of form and melodic inventiveness. He belonged to Beethoven’s circle of friends.

Literature: D. Fraser Frederick the Great, London 2001; A.F. Marmontel Les pianistes célèbres, Paris 1878; J. Nicholas Booklet of Hyperion CD recording of Kalkbrenner Piano Concertos No 1, Op. 61 and No 2, op. 127, London 2006; W. Killy, R. Vierhaus Deutsche Biographische Encyklopädie, vol. 5 K–G, Munich 1999.

Compositions and Works



2 symphonies and Concerto for harpsichord, manuscript

2 collections (each with 3 sonatas) for violin, harpsichord and basso, Op. 2 and 3, 1782, 1784

3 sonatas Op. 5, for violin and piano, Berlin, no year

Vocal and vocal-instrumental:

collections of songs and arias

choral pieces: 

Chant funèbre pour la mort du général Hoche 1797

Scène tirée des poésies d’Ossian 1800

Héro 1800

Les regrets de Thirsa sur la mort d’Abel 1800



Démocrite, 3-act opera buffa, Rheinsberg 1792

La Femme et le secret, Rheinsberg 1792

Lanassa, grand opéra, Rheinsberg 1792

La Vevue du Malabar, Rheinsberg 1792

La Descente des Français en Angleterre, 1-act, Italy? 1798

Olympie (Guillard), grand opéra, 3-act, Paris 1798

Scéne de Pygmalion, scéne avec orchestre, Paris 1799



Théorie der Tonkunst, Berlin 1789

Kurzer Abriss der Geschichte der Musik, Berlin 1792

Histoire de la musique, 2 vol., Strasbourg 1802

Traité d’harmonie et de composition de F.X. Richter, revu, corrigé, augmenté et publié avec 93 planches, Paris 1804