
Wodecki, Zbigniew (EN)

Biography and Literature

Wodecki Zbigniew, *6 May 1950 Krakow, †22 May 2017 Warsaw, Polish singer, violinist, trumpeter, composer and arranger. He came from a family with musical traditions, in 1977, he graduated from the Secondary Music School in Krakow in the violin class of J. Weber. He was a violinist in the PRiTV Symphony Orchestra and the Krakow Chamber Orchestra (1971–78), played in a band performing with E. Demarczyk (1968–73), and was associated with the Anawa group and the Piwnica pod Baranami bands; in 1984–85 he led a string band accompanying the duo Marek and Wacek (concerts in Western Europe). In 1972, he made his debut as a vocalist in the TV programme Wieczór bez Gwiazdy. Wodecki had a warm voice and felt comfortable in the lyrical repertoire. He created both short, hit songs (Izolda, Zacznij od Bacha, Z tobą chcę oglądać świat) as well as complex compositions (Trwoga); he wrote music for performances Miłość i gniew (directed by K. Kolberger, 1992), Królewna Śnieżka i krasnoludki (directed by K. Kolberger, 1994), Wędrowanie według Stanisława Wyspiańskiego – Wyzwolenie (directed by K. Jasiński, 2012), Wesele (directed by K. Jasiński, 2013) and Akropolis (directed by K. Jasiński, 2014). Wodecki was a laureate of, among others, the main prize at the Polish song festival in Opole for Wspomnienie tych dni (1979), in the Interwizja competition in Prague for the song Lubię wracać tam, gdzie byłem (1983), and the winner of the Golden Orpheus at the festival in Słoneczny Brzeg (1984). He successfully performed in the play Sonata Belzebuba by S.I. Witkiewicz (dir. K. Jasiński, Kraków 2009), for which he wrote the music. Since 2018, the annual Wodecki Twist Festival has been held in Krakow.

Literature: Zbigniew Wodecki, Wacław Krupiński Zbigniew Wodecki: pszczoła, Bach i skrzypce, Warszaw 2011, Kamil Bałuk, Wacław Krupiński Wodecki. Tak mi wyszło, Warsaw 2018.