
Twardowski, Romuald (EN)

Biography and Literature

Twardowski Romuald, *17 June 1930 Vilnius, †13 January 2024 Warsaw, Polish composer, teacher and community activist. In 1946–50, he was an organist in Vilnius churches. From 1952 to 1957, he studied composition with J. Juzeliūnas and piano at the National Music Conservatory in Vilnius; from 1957 to 60, he studied composition with B. Woytowicz at the State Higher School of Music (PWSM) in Warsaw and in 1963 and 1966 Gregorian chorale and medieval polyphony with N. Boulanger in Paris. In 1960–65, he was a music reviewer of “Życie Częstochowy.” He has lived in Warsaw since 1967. He started teaching in 1957 in Panevėžys, Lithuania. In 1958–65, he taught piano at the Primary and Secondary Music School in Częstochowa. From 1972 to 1995, he was a senior lecturer at the PWSM (now the Academy of Music) in Warsaw, teaching composition, instrumentation and score reading. In 1969–71, he was a chairman of the Warsaw branch of ZKP (Polish Composers Union). He actively participated in the animation of musical life, organising concerts and other musical events. In the 1980s, he established pioneering musical contacts with Lithuania, Armenia and Georgia. From 1983 to 1986, he was a member of the National Council of Culture. He was the artistic director and chairman of the jury of the International Festival of Orthodox Church Music in Hajnówka (from 2003 in Białystok). He was a member of the artistic council of the “Gaude Mater” Sacred Music Festival in Częstochowa from 1991. In 1993–97, he was the president of the classical music section of the ZAiKS Authors’ Association. He appeared in two TVP films titled Autoportret (1981 and 1989). He published his memoirs It Was, but It Is Not Gone (Było, nie minęło) (Warsaw 2000).

Medals and honours: Knight’s (1974) and Officer’s Cross (1985) of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Meritorious Activist of Culture (1975), Order of St. Mary Magdalene, 1st degree of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1996). Awards: MKiS 2nd degree award (1973), Award from the Prime Minister of Poland for musical works for children (1981), W. Pietrzak PAX Association award (1983), ZKP awards (1995). Twardowski was awarded many times at competitions in Poland and abroad, including: in 1960, he won the first prize at the competition celebrating the 550th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald for the Warmian Suite for a cappella mixed choir; in 1962, 1st prize at the 4th Young Competition of the Polish Composers Union and in 1963, 2nd place at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers in Paris for Antifone per tre gruppi d’orchestra; also at the Prince Rainier International Composition Competition in Monaco, he received the first prize in 1965 for The Sorcerer’s Statues, in 1968 a special prize for Little Orthodox Liturgy, and in 1973 the first prize for the musical drama Lord Jim; in 1966, 1st prize at the International Composition Competition in Prague for Sonetti di Petrarca; in 1966, second prize at the A. Malawski competition in Krakow for Tre studi secondo Giotto; in 1967, second prize at the G. Fitelberg competition in Katowice for Impressioni Fiorentini; in 1974, second prize at the K. Szymanowski International Competition in Łódź for Studium in a; in 1978, 1st prize at the competition of the Polish Composers Union, the Central Council of Trade Unions and the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras for the Masovian Triptych; in 1985, 2nd prize at the Composition Competition of the Polish Piano Festival in Słupsk for Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra; in 1987, 1st prize at the ZAiKS competition for 3 songs for baritone and piano, lyrics by S.R. Dobrowolski; in 1990, 1st prize at the S. Wiechowicz Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras Competition for Alleluja for a cappella choir; in 1994, the AGEC – European Federation of Singing Associations – award for Little Concerto for vocal orchestra.

Twardowski’s compositional output (over 300 works) consists mainly of orchestral, stage and choral music. The composer formulated his attitude towards the avant-garde in the afterword to his memoirs: “As opposed to the mad apologists who stand for all that is new at all costs, I did appreciate the role and significance of tradition, finding in it inspiration for my own music” (It Was, but It Is Not Gone, p. 227). In the 1960s, Twardowski created his own musical language, which he called musical ‘neo-archaism;’ it was an attempt to synthesise “new” and “old.” He was inspired primarily by Gregorian chant and medieval polyphony, but he also used selected elements of contemporary compositional techniques – dodecaphony, punctualism, clusters, and aleatoric music. This stylistic heterogeneity of the means used created new sound values and a rich palette of expression. In the ‘neo-archaic’ style, Twardowski wrote Antiphons (1961), the dodecaphonic Cantus antiqui (1962), the most avant-garde Nomopedia (1962), Tragedy or the Story of John and Herod (1965), Little Orthodox Liturgy (1968) and Ode to Youth (1969).

In the 1970s, there was a stylistic turn in Twardowski’s work, which the composer called the expressive-romantic style: Study in A (1973) and the musical dramas Lord Jim (1973) and Maria Stuart (1978). Twardowski did not give up his previous experiences, but introduced greater emotional tensions into his works, while still maintaining the simplicity and expressiveness of his personal statement. Twardowski’s stage works, demonstrating a very good sense of musical theatre dramaturgy, were successful in Poland and abroad. From the beginning of the 1980s, Twardowski turned to Orthodox church music, which inspired him to write ecumenical religious works. His compositions, performed in Catholic churches, Orthodox churches and synagogues, are very popular with choir groups around the world. The features of Twardowski’s creative technique include a moderately modern, communicative musical language, the dominance of the melodic line, the avoidance of ornamental elements and a rich but economical selection of means of expression, transparent instrumentation and a perfect correlation of music and text. Twardowski’s music is a separate phenomenon in Polish contemporary music.

Literature: R. Twardowski Było, nie minęło. Wspomnienia kompozytora, Warsaw 2000 (with bibliography and a list of compositions); Romuald Twardowski, interview with the composer, in: J. Cegiełła Szkice do autoportretu polskiej muzyki współczesnej, Kraków 1976; S. Krukowski Romuald Twardowski – animator polskiej opery współczesnej, «Zeszyty Naukowe Katedry Wokalistyki Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu» no. 32, ed. E. Sąsiadek and M. Passella, 1983; B.M. Maciejewski Twelve Polish Composers, London 1976; P. Markuszewski Twardowski Romuald, in: Almanach Kompozytorów Akademii Muzycznej im. F. Chopina w Warszawie, ed. A. Gronau-Osińska, Warsaw 2004.


Compositions were dated according to Twardowski’s autobiography It Happened but It still Exists [Było, nie minęło] [Warsaw 2000] and information  received from the composer).


Oberek for string orchestra, 1955, Warsaw 1987, Kraków 2004, version for violin and piano, 1955, Warsaw 1981, Kraków 2004

Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra, 1956–2007

3 miniatures for piano, 1957, published in Kraków 1978

Suite in the old style for orchestra, 1957

Burlesque for wind quintet, 1958, published in Warsaw 1984

Little Sonata for piano, 1958, published in Kraków 1965

Little Symphony for piano, string and percussion, 1959, Warsaw 1985

Antifone per tre gruppi d’orchestra, 1961, premiered at Warsaw Autumn 1962, published in Kraków 1963

Little Suite for violin and piano, 1962, published in Kraków 1979

Nomopedia, cinque movimenti per orchestra, 1962, performed at Warsaw Autumn 1984, published in Kraków 1968

Oda 64 for little symphonic orchestra, 1964, dedicated to T. Szarewski

Tre studi secondo Giotto for chamber orchestra, 1966, performed at Warsaw Autumn 1970, published in Kraków 1968

Impressioni fiorentini per quattro cori strumentali, 1967, published in Kraków 1968

Prelude, Toccata and Chorale for orchestra, 1973

Studium in A for orchestra, 1973, premiered at Warsaw Autumn 1976, published in Kraków 1979

Mariacki Triptich for string orchestra, 1973, Warsaw 1976

Improvvisazione e toccata per due pianoforti, 1974, published in Kraków 1976

Two Landscapes for orchestra, 1975, premiered at Warsaw Autumn 1986

Capriccio in blue for violin and orchestra, 1979, version for violin and piano, 1979, Kraków 1982

Preludio, recitativo ed aria con variazioni for harpsichord or piano, 1979, published in Kraków 1982

Sonata breve for harpsichord or piano, 1979, published in Warsaw 1980 

Little Concerto for piano and orchestra, 1980, Kraków 1981 

Musica concertante for piano, 1980, published in Warsaw 1983

On Four Strings for violin and piano, 1980, published in Kraków 1983 

Three Pieces for organs, 1982, published in Warsaw 1982

Fantasia for organs, 1982, published in Kraków 1986

Polish Fantasia for 2 violins, 1982, published in Kraków 1984

3 Polish Dances for orchestra, 1983, version for wind orchestra, 1986, published in Warsaw 1989

Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra, 1984, piano reduction published in Kraków 1994

Funfair for piano, 1984, published in Kraków 2021

Spanish Fantasia for violin and orchestra, 1985, versions for cello and orchestra, 1985, published in Warsaw 1988, for violin and piano 1985, published in Kraków 1994 and for cello and piano, 1985, published in Warsaw 1987

Fantastic Dance for 2 violins, 1985, published in Warsaw 1986

Three Frescoes for orchestra, 1986, published in Bydgoszcz 1990

Allegro rustico for oboe and piano, 1986, published in Kraków 1992, 2nd ed. published in 1997

Little Triptich for wind quintet, 1986, performed at Warsaw Autumn 1987, published in Kraków 1993

Symphonic  variations  on a theme by George Gershwin for orchestra, 1986, version for percussion solo and orchestra, 1986, published in Warsaw 2004

Musica da chiesa for wind quartet, 1987, Warsaw 2005

Piano Trio No. 1 for violin, cello and piano, 1987, published in Warsaw 1988, Warsaw 1999

Chorale for 2 cellos, 1987, published in Warsaw 1987

Old Polish Concerto for string orchestra, 1988, Warsaw 1989

Symfonie dzwonów for piano, 4 pieces: Campane I–III for piano, 1988–91, published in Warsaw 2005 (Campane II–III performed at Warsaw Autumn 1995), Campane IV for piano, 2004

Lithuanian Variations for wind quintet, 1988, published in Warsaw 1990

Italian Album for orchestra, 1989 

Old Dances Suite for 4 guitars, 1989

Burlesque for violin and piano, 1990, published in Warsaw 2003

Espressioni for violin and piano, 1990, published in Warsaw 1999, Kraków 2006

Niggunim. Melodies of the Hasidim for violin and orchestra, 1991, published in Kraków 1998 (score), 2000 (piano reduction), version for violin and piano, 1991, published in Kraków 2000

Pleiades for violin and piano, 1993, published in Warsaw 1999, Warsaw 2003

Sonatina for 2 violins, 1993, published in Płock 1994, Kraków 2000

Youth Trio for violin, cello and piano, 1993, published in Warsaw 1995, Kraków 1999

Concerto for cello and orchestra, 1995, piano reduction published in Warsaw 2004 and Kraków 2005

In a Little Green Groove. 5 miniatures for piano duet, 1996, published in Kraków 1998 

Invocation and Capriccio for 2 cellos, 1997, published in Warsaw 2004

Hebrew Melodies for clarinet and orchestra, 1997, version for clarinet and piano, 1997, Warsaw 2004

Concerto breve for string orchestra, 1998, Warsaw 2004

Pastorale e danza for violin and piano, 1999, published in Warsaw 2003

Hommage à J.S. Bach for piano, 2000, published in Warsaw 2004

Humoresque for piano, 2000

Intermezzo for piano, 2000, published in Warsaw 2004 

Introduction and Allegro for violin and piano, 2000, published in Warsaw 2003

Capriccio for violin and piano, 2001, published in Warsaw 2003

Im Zoo for violin and piano, 2002, published in Kassel 2003

Musica festiva for organ, 2002, published in Warsaw 2003

Pastorale and humoresque for oboe and piano, 2002, published in Kraków 2003

Toccata and chorale for organ, 2002, published in Warsaw 2003

3 Sketches for violin, viola and cello, 2003

Serenade for string orchestra, 2003, Warsaw 2004

3 intermezzos for organ, 2004, in Warsaw 2004

Meditation for cello and piano, 2004, published in Warsaw 2004

Tango for cello and piano, 2004, published in Warsaw 2004 

Piano Trio No. 2 for violin, cello and piano, 2005, published in Kraków 2008

The Paschal Triptych for organ, 2005, published in Łomianki 2005

Lullaby for violin and piano, 2006

Concerto for violin and string orchestra, 2006

Canzona for string orchestra, 2007 

Tam za lasem for flute and strings, 2008

Lituania for string orchestra, 2011, published in Kraków 2011


also several dozen pieces for children for piano, violin, flute and other instruments

Vocal and vocal-instrumental:

over 50 songs for voice and piano, including: 

Polish Landscape, 3 songs for bass-baritone and piano, lyrics W. Broniewski, K.I. Gałczyński, J. Śpiewak, 1974, published in Warsaw 1985, version for bass-baritone and symphonic orchestra, 1975

The Face of the Sea, 5 songs for bass-baritone and piano, lyrics M. Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, J. Łukasiewicz, J. Iwaszkiewicz, K. Sowiński, 1979, Warsaw 1981 

Erotic Poetry, songs and interludes for soprano and piano, lyrics A. Stradczuk, 1983, published in Warsaw 1984

Seven Folk Songs for voice and piano, 1957–83, published in Warsaw 1983

Three Songs for baritone and piano, lyrics S.R. Dobrowolski, 1987, published in Warsaw 1988

Sonnets of Michelangelo for baritone and piano, translated by L. Staff, 1988, published in Warsaw 1989

Three Sonnets for Don Quixote for bass-baritone and piano, lyrics M. de Cervantes, translated by A.L. Czerny, 1990, published in Warsaw 1995

Above the Wilia for bass-baritone and piano, lyrics H. Kołaczkowska-Massalska, 1990, published in Warsaw 1991 

for voice and instrumental ensemble or orchestra:

Cantus antiqui for soprano, harpsichord, piano and percussion, lyrics Owidiusz, 1962, published in Kraków 1969

Three Farewell Sonnets for bass-baritone and chamber orchestra, lyrics J. Davy du Perron, J. Vallée des Barreaux, Pontus de Tyard, 1971, published in Kraków 1975, version for bass-baritone and piano, 1971, published in Warsaw 1974

Canticum canticorum for soprano and group of instruments, 1994

See the Sea for soprano, flute and strings, lyrics Z. Herbert, 2008 

Exegi monumentum for sopran, bass, mixed choir and orchestra, 2008, published in Kraków 2010

over 65 pieces for a cappella choir, including:

Warmia Suite for a cappella choir, folk text, 1960, published in Kraków 1978

Carmina de mortuis for a cappella choir, lyrics J. Tuwim, Italian translation M. Colucci, 1961, part 1 Momento performed at Warsaw Autumn 1975, published in Kraków 1966, 2nd ed. published in 1979

April Songs for a cappella choir, lyrics J. Tuwim, M. Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, 1963, published in Kraków 1967, 2nd ed. published in 1979

Sonetti di Petrarca for tenor and 2 choirs, 1965, published in Kraków 1967

Prelude and toccata for a cappella choir, syllabic text, 1974, Warsaw 1975, published in Kraków 1977

Sea Impressions for a cappella choir, lyrics E. Herbert, M. Zaruski, 1975, published in Kraków 1978

Laudate Dominum, dialogue for 2 mixed choirs, 1976, performed at Warsaw Autumn 1979, published in Kraków 1978, Frankfurt am Main 2001

Mazovian Triptich for a cappella choir, lyrics G. Timofiejew, K.K. Baczyński, W. Broniewski, 1978, published in Warsaw 1979, Warsaw 1989

Lamentationes for a cappella choir, 1979, performed at Warsaw Autumn 1985, published in Kraków 1982

Rynek staromiejski for a cappella choir, lyrics A. Oppman, 1979, published in Warsaw 1979

Śpiewy starowarszawskie for a cappella choir, lyrics J. Kochanowski, J. Dulski, 1979, published in Warsaw 1980, Kraków 1981

Village Concert for a cappella choir, syllabic text, 1980, published in Kraków 1984, Frankfurt am Main 1997

Polish Triptich for a cappella choir, lyrics C. Zielińska, Z. Jerzyna, J. Pocek, 1987, published in Warsaw 1987

Little Concerto for vocal orchestra, syllabic text, 1988, published in Warsaw 1993, Frankfurt am Main 1997

Alleluja for a cappella choir, 1990, published in Warsaw 1990, Lyon 1992, Stockholm 1992, Hajnówka 2001, version for female or boys’ choir, 1990, published in Frankfurt am Main 1997

Chwalitie Imia Gospodnie for a cappella choir, 1990, published in Stockholm 1997, Hajnówka 1999, Płock 2001, version for male choir, 1990, published in Stockholm 1997, Frankfurt am Main 1999

Hosanna No. 1 for a cappella choir, 1992, Płock 1994, published in Hajnówka 1999

3 Essays, syllabic text, 1992

Woskriesienije Christowo for a cappella choir, 1995, published in Hajnówka 1999

Regina coeli for a cappella choir, 1996, published in Frankfurt am Main 1998, published in Kraków 2001

Hosanna No. 2 for a cappella choir, 1997, Hajnówka 1999, published in Frankfurt am Main 2000

Benedictus for a cappella choir 1999, published in Frankfurt am Main 2001

Jubilate Deo for a cappella choir, 2001, published in Kraków 2004

Missa “Regina coeli” for a cappella choir, 2001, published in Warsaw 2002

Otcze nasz and Pater noster for a cappella choir, 2005, published in Kraków 2006

Te Alma Mater for a cappella choir, 2005

Liturgia św. Jana Złotoustego for a cappella choir, 2005, published in Kiyv 2005

Zielona świątynia Białowieża and Kali łaska – bardzo proszę for a cappella choir, 2005, published in Hajnówka 2005

Płaczcie Anieli for a cappella choir, Old Polish text, 2006

Popule meus and Mysterium crucis for a cappella choir, 2006, Frankfurt am Main 2007

Lux aeterna for a cappella choir, 2007, Frankfurt am Main 2007

Do polskiego wojska for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Marsz Pierwszej Brygady for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

O mój rozmarynie for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Piechota for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Pierwsza kadrowa for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Przybyli ułani for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Warczą karabiny for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Wojenko, wojenko for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2012, published in Kraków 2014 

Magnificat for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2013, published in Kraków 2016 

The Sea Triptych for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2013, published in Kraków 2014 

Exultate, Jubilate for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2015, published in Kraków 2017 

Sacrum-Profanum for unaccompanied mixed choir, 2020, dedicated to D. Cichy, premiered in Katowice 21 XI 2021, Camerata Silesia, conducted by A. Szostak, published in Kraków 2021 

for female or boys’ choir a cappella, including: 

Songs of Spring for female or boys’ choir a cappella, lyrics J. Tuwim, 1959, published in Kraków 1996

Two Threnodies (V and XVII) for female or boys’ choir a cappella,  lyrics J. Kochanowski, 1962, published in Kraków 1974, 2nd version for male choir, published in Warsaw 1972 (?) 

Two Funny Songs for female or boys’ choir a cappella, folk text, 1972, published in Kraków 1996

Two Songs from Podlasie for female or boys’ choir a cappella, 1986, published in Warsaw 1988

Vocalise for female choir, 1999, published in Frankfurt am Main 2002

Otcze nasz for female choir, 2007 

Two Folk Songs for unaccompanied children’s or female choir, published in Kraków 2015

for children’s choir a cappella:

If to Sing for 3-part children’s choir, 1968, published in Kraków 2016 

Six Two-Part Inventions for unaccompanied children’s choir, 2007, published in Kraków 2016 

Two Folk Songs for 3-part children’s choir, published in Kraków 2016 

for male choir a cappella, including: 

Knightsong about the Sea for male choir a cappella, lyrics Gallus Anonymus, 1974, published in Frankfurt am Main 2002

Memory for male choir a cappella, lyrics W. Mrozowski, 1979, published in Warsaw 1980

Warszaw Wind for male choir a cappella, lyrics K.I. Gałczyński, 1979, published in Warsaw 1980

O gloriosa virginum for male choir a cappella, 1994, published in Frankfurt am Main 1998

Ave maris stella, 2002, published in Frankfurt am Main 2002, 2nd version for mixed choir, 2006

Otcze nasz for male choir a cappella, 2006 

over 20 pieces for choir with instrument accompaniment, including:

Song of the White House, cantata for tenor, choir, 2 pianos and percussion, lyrics J. Tuwim, 1959, published in Warsaw 1960

Little Orthodox Liturgy for vocal ensemble and 3 instrumental groups, 1968, published in Kraków 1970

Ode to Youth for reciting voice, mixed choir and orchestra, lyrics A. Mickiewicz, 1969, published in Kraków 1971

Pastor es supremus for baritone, choir and organ, lyrics J. Węcowski, 1979, new version: Tu es Petrus for baritone, choir and orchestra, 1991

Ave maris stella for male choir and organ, 1982, published in Warsaw 1988

Salve Regina for female choir and organ, 1982, published in Warsaw 1991, 2nd version in 2006

Ioannes Rex, Cantata de Victoria Vienensi for baritone, choir and orchestra, lyrics J. Węcowski, 1983, published in Bydgoszcz 1985

Życie pieśnią jest for female choir and piano, 2008. 


operas (libretto by the composer): 

Cyrano de Bergerac by E. Rostand, 1962, staged in Bytom 6 July 1963

Tragedy or story of John and Herod, musical morality play by J. Gawałtowic, 1965, staged in Łódź 27 April 1969

Upadek ojca Suryna, radio music drama by J. Iwaszkiewicz, 1969

Lord Jim, music drama by J. Conrad, 1973, staged in Łódź 14 February 1976

Maria Stuart, music drama by S. Zweig, 1978, staged in Łódź 11 April 1981

History of the Saint Catherine, libretto by J. Lewański and the composer according to J.P Cichoński, 1981, staged in Warsaw 14 December 1985

ballets-pantomimes (libretto by the composer): 

Naked Prince based on H.Ch. Andersen, 1960, staged at Warsaw Autumn 19 September 1964

The  Sorcerer`s  Statues based on J.W Goethe, 1963, staged in Wrocław 16 October 1971, Warsaw Autumn 29 September 1974, published in Kraków 1975 

Theatre music: 

Król Mięsopust according to J.M. Rymkiewicz, staged in Łódź 1971

Sen nocy letniej [A Midsummer Night’s Dream] according to W. Shakespeare, staged in Warsaw in 1979.

Film music:

Ognisty anioł, directed by M. Wojtyszko, 1984. 

Television music:

Pieśń (prawie) bez słów, TV mini-opera according to S. Żeromski, 1978, broadcast in TVP 1978. 


Boże coś Polskę, 18 najstarszych polskich pieśni religijno-patriotycznych for mixed choir and organ, 1980, ed. J. Węcowski, published in Płock 1994

Kolędy prawosławne for mixed choir a cappella, 1994, published in Warsaw 1996

11 pieśni religijnych [11 Religious Songs] for mixed choir and orchestra, 1999

12 kolęd [12 Christmas Carols] for voice and piano, 2003, Warsaw 2004