
Sennewald, Władysław Gustaw (EN)

Biography and Literature

Sennewald Władysław Gustaw, *9 September 1860 Warsaw, †19 April 1929 Warsaw, Polish bookseller and publisher, son of Gustaw Karol. In 1896, he took over his father’s bookstore, which in October 1897 he moved to Krakowskie Przedmieście 7, leaving a branch ul. Miodowa. Initially, he published books and sheet music, after 1898 only music publishing houses, continuing the company’s repertoire tradition, in 1898 he published a Katalog nut wydanych nakładem…. In 1901, he sold the bookstore to a company established by former employees of the company, who ran it until 1905 as “Gustaw Sennewald – bookstore and music store”; in 1901, part of the musical expenses were bought by Gebethner and Wolff’s company. During its 73 years of existence, the publishing house has published nearly 2,000 music publications.

Literature: A. Skrzypczak Sennewaldowie, księgarze i wydawcy warszawscy, Wrocław 1969; M. Mlekicka Wydawcy książek w Warszawie w okresie zaborów, Warsaw 1987; W. Tomaszewski Warszawskie edytorstwo muzyczne w latach 1772–1865, Warsaw 1992; W. Tomaszewski Bibliografia warszawskich druków muzycznych 1801–1850, Warsaw 1992.