
Moszumańska-Nazar, Krystyna (EN)

Biography and Literature

Moszumańska-Nazar Krystyna, *5 September 1924 Lviv, †27 September 2008 Kraków, Polish composer. She studied piano at the conservatory in Lviv in 1931–39, and later, from 1949, piano with J. Hoffman and composition with S. Wiechowicz at the State Higher School of Music (PWSM) in Krakow, obtaining diplomas in both fields in 1955. In 1963, she started teaching at the PWSM (now the Academy of Music) in Krakow, from 1966 as an assistant professor, from 1971 as a docent, from 1981 as an associate professor, and from 1987 as a full professor; she taught composition, instrumentation, fugue and contemporary composition techniques. In 1974–75, she headed the Department of Composition, in 1975–78, she was dean of the Faculty of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory, from 1978 vice-rector, and in 1987–93 rector of this university. In 1964–71, she served as the president of the ZKP Branch in Kraków, in 1971–73 she was on the Main Board of the ZKP, she sat on the jury of domestic and foreign composition competitions several times, and from 1993, she was a member of the Council of Higher Artistic Education in Warsaw.

In 1954, Moszumańska-Nazar received an honourable mention at the ZKP Youth Circle competition for Oberek from Suite of Polish Dances, in 1961 and 1966 honourable mentions at the International Competition for Women Composers in Mannheim for Hexaèdre and Exodus, and in 1962 the 1st prize and a gold medal at the International Competition for Women Composers in Buenos Aires for Music for Strings, third prize at the A. Malawski Composition Competition in Krakow in 1966 for Variazioni concertanti, in 1974 second prize at the K. Szymanowski Composition Competition in Warsaw for Polish Madonnas. Additionally, she is a laureate of, among others, ZKP awards (1988), MKiS awards five times (1971, 1977, 1984, 1987, 1991), awards of the Prime Minister for works for children and youth (1977), awards of the city of Krakow (1970), Honorary Award of the Foundation of Polish Culture in Krakow ( 2003). She was awarded the Gold Cross of Merit (1975), the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1983), the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1993), the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1999), the Medaille de l’Officier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres (2004) and the Gold Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis (2007). She also received an honorary title and medal of Merit for National Culture (1989) and an honorary doctorate from the Academy of Music in Krakow (2007).

Moszumańska-Nazar is the co-author (with H. Danyszowa, Z. Iszkowska, J. Jargoń and M. Leitner) of the repeatedly reissued Zbiór ćwiczeń do kształcenia słuchu [Collected Exercises for Ear Training] (Kraków 1962, 14th ed. 2022). She gave many lectures about her work, contemporary music, and new notation in Poland and abroad (including Leipzig, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Nuremberg, and Lviv). In 1994, a television film called Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar was made (from the series Album krakowskiej muzyki, directed by G. Kościński).

Moszumańska-Nazar’s compositional work is characterised by a variety of musical forms and genres, from those derived from the tradition of overture, sinfonietta, concerto, variations, miniature, or string quartet, to narrative genres represented by Rhapsody I and II, Essay, Frescoes and Exodus. Early pieces from the 1950s show connections with neoclassical music (3 Miniatures); the composer then also turned to dodecaphony used freely. There are three periods in Moszumańska-Nazar’s work: 1. neoclassical (until 1958), 2. experimental-sonoristic (1959–73), 3. stage of synthesis (from 1973), characterised by the creative use of previous experiences (E. Mizerska-Golonek, 1996). The connection with sonorism, characteristic of the second period, is also visible in the composer’s later work. Many songs show an excellent sense of the colours of the instruments (e.g. 2 Dialogues). Moszumańska-Nazar’s music is characterised by the use of timbre as a construction factor (String Quartet No. 2), timbre diversity resulting from the use of many instruments within the group of percussion instruments (From End to End Percussion, 3 Concert Studies), differentiation of means of articulation in individual works (Music for Five), and polymorphic treatment of time. Music for percussion is of foremost importance in Moszumańska-Nazar’s oeuvre. In addition to numerous pieces for solo percussion, the composer also used extensive percussion ensembles in symphonic pieces (Rhapsody II, Fresco III), chamber pieces (Interpretations, Un petit cadeau) and vocal-instrumental pieces (Bel canto, Polish Madonnas, Challenge), in which they play a significant, sometimes a leading role. The peak achievement in this respect came in the Concerto for Percussion, in which, in addition to the rich instrumentation for the soloist, the composer introduced two percussion instruments in the orchestra, sometimes joining the soloist part.

In addition to music for percussion, symphonic works are of great importance in Moszumańska-Nazar’s work. These are generally compositions of an epic nature and narrative form. The composer’s interest in religious themes is visible in her vocal and instrumental works (Polish Madonnas, Song of Songs, Pater noster). They use various means of vocal texture (polyphony, repetitions and chords in Polish Madonnas) and instrumental texture (contrasting the chord texture with the pointillistic texture in the Song of Songs). The composer’s inspiration with poetry and visual arts was expressed in the poem Polish Madonnas, composed to texts selected from the collection of poems by J. Harasymowicz under the same title. Individual poems describe paintings and figures of the Virgin Mary found in Polish churches and wayside shrines. The use of five poems in the composition affects its formal division (introduction and five parts). A large, separate group consists of chamber and solo pieces, characterised by selectivity of sound structures and great timbre diversity.

The principle of narrative plays a vital role in the formal shaping of Moszumańska-Nazar’s works. There are strongly contrasting sections in the musical progression, and characteristic several climaxes in the piece; the composer also uses evolutionary shaping. In the construction of Moszumańska-Nazar’s works, apart from sonoristic qualities, motivic and thematic structures are equally important. The means of construction combined with the variety of articulation and instrumentation are subordinated to expressive purposes. The dynamism of the musical progression and strong, dramatic expression are characteristic of Moszumańska-Nazar’s works.

Moszumańska-Nazar’s music is distinguished by its original, individual style, characterised by the creative use of modern compositional techniques (aleatorism, sonoristic techniques) combined with the use of thematic structures and an individual concept of musical form. The masterful use of percussion ensembles and the use of interesting, unusual chamber instrumental ensembles (Bel canto, Interpretations) also give this music its character. Moszumańska-Nazar was an outstanding representative of the Polish school of music from the second half of the 20th century and one of the most interesting personalities of the Krakow composition school.

Literature: Świat ogarnięty muzyką, interview of G. Stanek-Peszkowska with Moszumańska-Nazar, “Ruch Muzyczny” 1999 no. 18; Z walcem w tle, interview of M. Janicka-Słysz with Moszumańska-Nazar, “Ruch Muzyczny” 2004 no. 18; M. Woźna-Stankiewicz Lwowskie geny osobowości twórczej. Rozmowy z K. Moszumańską-Nazar, Kraków 2007; H. Schiller „Muzyka na smyczki” Krystyny Moszumańskiej-Nazar, “Ruch Muzyczny” 1963 no. 22; A. Walaciński „Hexaèdre,” “Ruch Muzyczny” 1965 no. 17; T. Marek Composer’s Workshop. Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar, “Polish Music” 1974 no. 2; E. Mizerska-Golonek Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar „Madonny polskie”. Wybrane problemy z zakresu faktury wokalnej, in: Muzyka instrumentalno-wokalna kompozytorów krakowskich, «Zeszyty Naukowe PWSM w Krakowie», Kraków 1979; E. Mizerska-Golonek „Pieśń nad pieśniami” Krystyny Moszumańskiej-Nazar, in: Krakowska Szkoła Kompozytorska 1888–1988, ed. T. Malecka, Kraków 1992; L. Polony Jubileusz K. Moszumańskiej-Nazar, “Ruch Muzyczny” 1994 no. 25; E. Mizerska-Golonek Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar i jej muzyka na perkusję solo, in: Muzyka polska 1945–1995, ed. K. Droba, T. Malecka and K. Szwajgier, Kraków 1996; K. Kasperek Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar. Katalog tematyczny utworów, Kraków 2004 (includes, e.g., articles by M. Janicka-Słysz „Poruszyć słuchacza…”. O muzyce K. Moszumańskiej-Nazar and by K. Moszumańska-Nazar: Szkic biograficzny, Autorefleksja kompozytorska and O roli perkusji i traktowaniu jej w moich utworach); L. Czapliński De color concentionis albo o stylistycznej tożsamości autora. K. Moszumańska-Nazar, klasyk sonoryzmu, “Opcje” 2009 no. 1; T. Sobaniec Perkusja znakiem rozpoznawczym muzyki K. Moszumańskiej-Nazar, Kraków 2011; M. Stefański Źródła inspiracji twórczych i formy ich wyrazu w muzyce organowej kompozytorów krakowskich drugiej połowy XX wieku na przykładzie wybranych utworów T. Machla, K. Moszumańskiej-Nazar, J. Łuciuka i J. Jargonia, Kraków 2011; M. Mądro W poszukiwaniu idiomu kompozytorskiego K. Moszumańskiej-Nazar, doctoral dissertation, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 2015; A. Kłaput-Wiśniewska Artistic Work of Women. Female Works in Self-reflection of G. Bacewicz, K. Moszumańska-Nazar and A. Zubel, in: The Musical Work and its Creators, ed. A. Nowak, Bydgoszcz 2015; J. Miklaszewska Literature and visual arts as a source of inspiration in the work of K. Moszumańska-Nazar, “Musicology Today” XVI, 2019; E. Wójtowicz Oblicza kwartetu smyczkowego w twórczości kompozytorów krakowskich. B. Buczek, Z. Bujarski, K. Meyer, K. Moszumańska-Nazar, K. Penderecki, M. Stachowski, Kraków 2021.



Variations for piano, 1949

Concertino for piano and orchestra, 1954

Suite of Polish Dances [Suita tańców polskich] for piano, 1954, published in Warsaw 1980

Overture I, 1954

Overture II, 1956

3 Miniatures for clarinet and piano, 1957, published in Kraków 1959, 3rd ed. 1979

Allegro symfoniczne, 1957

Sonatina for piano, 1957, published in Kraków 1960

4 Essays for orchestra, 1958

5 Duets for flute and clarinet, 1959, published in Kraków 1962, 4th ed. 1982

Hexaèdre for orchestra, 1960, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1965, published in Kraków 1965

String Trio, 1960

Music for Strings [Muzyka na smyczki], 1962, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1963, published in Kraków 1964

Variazioni concertanti for flute and chamber orchestra, 1966, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1971, published in Kraków 1967

3 Concert Studies for percussion, 1969, published in Kraków 1971, 6th ed. 1998

Pour orchestre, 1969, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1973, published in Kraków 1974

Implications [Implikacje] for 2 pianos and percussion, 1970

Bagatelles for piano, 1971, published in Kraków 1975

Constellations [Konstelacje] for piano, 1972, published in Darmstadt 1973

Quartetto per archi, 1974, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1979, published in Kraków 1975

Rhapsody I for orchestra, 1975

From End to End Percussion, 1976, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1986, published in Warszawa 1979

Variants for piano and percussion, 1979, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1980, published in Kraków 1982

String Quartet No. 2, 1980, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1983, published in Kraków 1985

Rhapsody II for orchestra, 1980, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1980, published in Kraków 1987

Sinfonietta for chamber string orchestra, 1983

Canzona for violin, 1985, published in Poznań 1992

Concerto for Orchestra, 1986

Fantasia for marimbaphone, 1987, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1988, «Antologia Muzyki Współczesnej», published in Kraków 2003

Essay for orchestra, 1988

Fresk I for orchestra, 1988, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1989

Music for Five for percussion ensemble, 1989, premiere in Munich 1989, published in Kraków 1997

3 moments musicaux for double bass, 1990, premiere in Paris 1991, published in Kraków 1994

Fresk II for orchestra, 1991

Recitativo for cello, 1991, published in Kraków 1994 and in the series «Antologia Muzyki Współczesnej», Kraków 2000

Fresk III „Lwowski” for orchestra, 1993

Un petit cadeau for flute, cello and percussion, 1993

2 Dialogues for instrumental ensemble, 1994, premiere in Odense 1994

4 moments musicaux for cello, 1994

String Quartet No. 3, 1995, published in Kraków 2018

Oratio brevis for organ, 1995, published in Kraków 1997

Leggiero e mobile for brass band, 1996, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1999

Kwiaty for flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet and piano, 1997

Serpentine for oboe, 1997, «Antologia Muzyki Współczesnej», published in Kraków 1999

Concerto for percussion and orchestra, 1998

Impression [Impresja] for string quartet, 1998

Violin Concerto 2000

Grande valse d’anniversaire for piano, 2000

Waltz for piano, 2001

Muzyka jesienią for clarinet, bells and 2 small percussions, 2001

Urodziny, urodziny… for cello, 2001

Moment musical V for cello, 2002

Musiquette for 2 trumpets and small percussion, 2003

Sonata per due violini, 2003

String Quartet No. 4, 2003, published in Kraków 2004

La Valse à la main gauche for piano, 2003

La Valse musette for piano, 2003

APigram for piano, 2004

Konfiguracje for cello and piano, 2005

Novelette for flute and piano, 2006, published in Kraków 2007


Intonations [Intonacje] for 2 mixed choirs and orchestra, lyrics by W. Broniewski, 1971

Bel canto for soprano, celesta, and percussion, 1972, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1975, published in Kraków 1975; 2nd version for soprano, celesta, cello and percussion, 1973, premiere in Avignon 1973

Polish Madonnas, poem for mixed choir and orchestra, lyrics by J. Harasymowicz, 1974, published in Kraków 1977

Challenge [Wyzwanie] for baritone and chamber ensemble, lyrics by D. Thomas, 1977, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1977, published in Kraków 1979

Sitowie for baritone and piano, lyrics by J. Tuwim, 1981

Song of Songs [Pieśń nad pieśniami] for reciter, soprano, reciting choir, and chamber ensemble, 1982

Songs for baritone and piano, 1983

Pater noster for male choir and organ, 1997, published in Kraków 2010

Orpheus and Eurydice [Orfeusz i Eurydyka] for soprano, baritone, narrator and chamber orchestra, lyrics by C. Miłosz, 2005


Exodus for orchestra and tape, 1964, published in Kraków 1970

Interpretations [Interpretacje] for flute, percussion, and tape, 1967, premiere at the Warsaw Autumn Festival 1968, published in Kraków 1969