
Mirecki, Stanisław (EN)


Mirecki Stanisław, *1828 Genua, †l July 1900 Warsaw, singing teacher, composer, organist, pianist, son of Franciszek. He studied singing with F. Lamperti in Milan. In 1850–52, he directed the orchestra of the T.A. Chełchowski Theater in Dębno Lubuskie; from 1852 to 1862, he was the organist and conductor of the cathedral band in Kamieniec Podolski, and in 1858, he organised the cathedral organist school there. After his father’s death, he took up the position of head of the school of dramatic and church singing at the Technical Institute in Kraków, which he held until its dissolution (1873). In 1888–91, he was a professor of solo singing at the conservatory of the Musical Society in Krakow and took an active part in the musical life of the city as a pianist and accompanist. From 1891 to 1900, he was a professor at the Institute of Music in Warsaw. Kazimierz, the second son of Franciszek Mirecki, cellist, poet and painter, lived in Krakow, in the 1970s he stayed in France and gave concerts with the Société de quatuors band, among others, in 1876 in Madrid.



Romanza. Capriccio, Kraków circa 1850 Wildt

Grand scherzo di bravoure Op. 2, Vienna circa 1855 Spina (BGM)

Fantaisie brillante sur Fair d’une chanson polonaise „Pomoc dajcie mi rodacy” Op. 10, Kraków circa 1865 Wildt

8 Nouveaux chants patriotiques transcrits Op. 11 and 12, 2 issues, Kraków circa 1865 Grabowski

Za szumnym Dniestrem. Chant historique de J. U. Niemcewicz, varié Op. 20, Kraków circa 1868 Wildt

L’Africaine de Meyerbeer. Romance varié… Op. 22, Kraków circa 1870 Wildt

Trois pièces de salon… Op. 21, Kraków circa 1876 Wildt 

for voice and piano: 

We śnie, Kraków circa 1895 Krzyżanowski

3 ariettas — 1. Corne stilla tra gli spasimi, 2. Nella mia nottumo stanza, 3. Vieni, o Dori, che l’attendo, Milan no year Ricordi

transcripts for piano: 

«Warszawianka». Śpiew z roku 1831 K. Kurpińskiego, Kraków circa 1903 Piwarski

Meste d’incerto. Romanza nell’opera L’Ebreo di Apollini Op. 5, Milan no year Ricordi