
Kaczyński, Bogusław (EN)


Kaczyński Bogusław, *2 May 1942 Biała Podlaska, †21 January 2016 Warsaw, Polish populariser of musical culture. He studied piano at the State Higher School of Music in Warsaw with P. Lewiecki (1959–64) and M. Wiłkomirska (1964–67) and theory (1966–71) with W. Rudziński and S. Śledziński. From 1968, he wrote columns, music reviews and articles (“Teatr,” “Ruch Muzyczny,” “Kultura,” “Przekrój” and others). From 1974, he sent correspondence to the magazines “Sovetskaja Muzyka” and “Hudební Rozhledy,” and from 1976, he published in “Opernwelt,” Since 1969, he was reporting on the most important music events in Poland and abroad in PR and TV, creating and hosting numerous broadcasts and program series, including on television: Opera qui pro quo (1974–78), Zaczarowany świat operetki (1979–81), Rewelacja miesiąca (since 1979), Przeboje Bogusława Kaczyńskiego (since 1985). For his television activities, he received the “Złoty Ekran” – an award from the weekly “Ekran” – three times (1978, 1980, 1983) and the “Wiktor” award three times (1985, 1986, 1987) – an award given by viewers to the most popular figure on Polish television. In 1981–90, he directed the Music Festival in Łańcut, and from 1983 the J. Kiepura Festival in Krynica, as part of which he initiated the biennial International Opera Singers Competition in 1984. He popularised Polish culture at numerous author’s evenings in many Polish and foreign cities. From 1993, he was vice-rector of the Academy of Music in Warsaw, and from 1994, director of the “Roma” Musical Theatre there. He received many awards and distinctions for his activities, including the Award of the Minister of Culture and Art (1985), Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1986). He published, among others, Ucieczki do Karyntii. Rzecz o A. Bergu i jego operach (Warsaw 1987), Wielka sława to żart (Warsaw 1992), Xenia Grey – księżna Chicago (Warsaw 1993).