
Grisi, Carlotta (EN)

Biography and Literature

Grisi Carlotta, *28 June 1819 Visinada (Istria), †20 May 1899 Saint-Jean (near Geneva), Giuditta and Giulia’s cousin, Italian dancer. After graduating from the Milan Dance Academy, he performed with J. Perrot (1833–40) on stages in Italy, London, Vienna and Munich. In 1841–49, she was a principal dancer (prima ballerina) of the Paris Opera, and also performed regularly in London (1842–51) and was a guest on other European stages. From 1850 to 1853, she danced mostly in St. Petersburg. After performances in Warsaw (December 1853), she left the stage. Her versatile talent and excellent external conditions gave her one of the leading positions in European romantic ballet. Her art has been described many times by Th. Gautier. The most outstanding ballet of the era was created for her: Giselle (music by A. Adam, 1841) and many others, for example La jolie fille de Gand (music by F. Burgmüller),  La Péri (music by F. Burgmüller), Le diable à quatre (music by A. Adam), Paquita (music by E. Deldevez), Esmeralda (music by C. Pugni).

Literature: I. Guest The Romantic Ballet in Paris, London 1966, Polish translation A. Kreczmar Balet romantyczny w Paryżu, Warsaw 1978.