
Bogusławski, Edward

Biography and Literature

Bogusławski Edward, *22 September 1940 Chorzów, †24 May 2003 Katowice, Polish composer. In 1964, he graduated in theory of music and in 1966 in composition under the tutelage of B. Szabelski in PWSM (State Higher School of Music) in Katowice and then continued studies with R. Haubenstock-Ramati in Vienna. From 1963, he lectured, among others, composition at PWSM in Katowice (from 1983 as a professor). He also cooperated with the Higher Pedagogical School in Częstochowa. In 1985–87, he was a member of the council of higher artistic education at the Ministry of Culture and Art. In 1966, 1970 and 1972, he was a laureate of A. Malawski Competition for Composers in Krakow. He received a distinction for Concerto per oboe e orchestra in 1971, at the UNESCO International Music Council in Paris. In 1975, he received the first prize for Evocation at the National Composition Competition on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Warsaw. In 1996, he received the first prize at a composition competition in Krakow for his Concerto for organ and orchestra.

Bogusławski pays particular attention to the formal structure of the work and to technical and colour properties of instruments. In one of his earlier works – Apokalypsis – the form of composition (ABC) is determined by J. Górec-Rosiński’s text; in Canti per soprano e orchestra, the series and its transformations is the basis of construction; in other works – 5 Pictures, Musica per Ensemble MW-2, Per pianoforte – the ultimate formal structure of the piece rests on the performers since they are given the freedom to perform segments of different colours in any order.

Literatura: M. Kotyńska „Canti” Edwarda Bogusławskiego, “Ruch Muzyczny” 1968 No. 23; Edward Bogusławski. Założenia materiałowe i budowa formalna „Canti per soprano e orchestra”, «Zeszyty Naukowe PWSM w Katowicach» XV, ed. L. Markiewicz, 1978; I. Bias and U. Ptasińska Spis kompozycji oraz bibliografia prac naukowych i publicystycznych pracowników Akademii Muzycznej w Katowicach, Katowice 1980.




Signals for symphony orchestra, 1966, performed in Warsaw 1966, facsimile ed. Kraków 1968, 2nd ed. Kraków 1980

Intonazioni II for orchestra, 1966, performed in Paris 1967, facsimile ed. Kraków 1972

Concerto per oboe anche oboe d’amore, corno inglese, musette e orchestra, 1968, performed in Cologne 1969 (1st version), performed at Warsaw Autumn Festival 1970 (2nd version), published in Kraków 1972

Capriccioso notturno per orchestra, 1972, published in Kraków 1975

Pro Varsovia per orchestra, 1974, published in Kraków 1983

Musica concertante per saxofono alto e orchestra, 1980, performed at Warsaw Autumn Festival 1983

Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra, 1981

Sinfonia Concertante for violin and chamber orchestra, 1982

Polonia, symphonic poem, for violin and orchestra, 1984

Elegy for cello and orchestra, 1994

Play for Flute and Chamber Orchestra, 1989, published in Warsaw 1995

Concerto per chitarra e orchestra, 1992, published in Tychy 1992

Concerto classico per archi, 1995

Concerto per organo e orchestra, 1996


Intonazioni I for 9 instruments, 1962, performed at Warsaw Autumn Festival 1964

String Quartet No. 1, 1963

Szkice for oboe and piano, 1965, published in Kraków 1965, 3rd ed. Kraków 1979

Wersje for 6 instruments, 1968

Metamorphoses for oboe, clarinet, violin, viola and cello, 1967, published in Kraków 1969, 2nd ed. Kraków 1977

Musica per Ensemble MW-2, 1970, performed in Kraków 1970, published in Kraków 1971

Trio per flauto, oboe e chitarra, 1971, performed in Nice 1973, published in Kraków 1974

Impromptu for flute, viola and harp, 1972, performed at Warsaw Autumn Festival 1975

Musica notturna per musette e pianoforte, 1974

Divertimento for 9 instruments, 1975

Children’s Quartet 1979, published in Warsaw 1981

Divertimento II for accordion quintet, 1982, published in Warsaw 1985

Preludi e cadenza per violino e pianoforte, 1983, published in Bydgoszcz 1985, performed at Warsaw Autumn Festival 1986

Divertimento III for violin, cello and accordion, 1986

Continuo for accordion quintet, 1987

Piano Trio, 1993, published in Warsaw 1996

String Quartet No. 3, 1995 

for solo instruments:

Per pianoforte, 1968, performed in Warsaw 1969, published in Kraków 1971, 2nd ed. Kraków 1974

5 Pictures for Flute, 1970, facsimile ed. Kraków 1973, 2nd ed. Kraków 1977

4+1 per clavicordo, 1973

Preludi e cadenza per violino solo, 1979, published in Bydgoszcz 1986

Capriccio per accordeono, 1985, published in New York 1985

Nocturnes for harp, 1986, published in Kraków 1995

Continuo II per accordeono solo, 1987, published in Warsaw 1995

Solo per pianoforte, 1995


Apokalypsis for reciting voice, mixed choir and instrumental ensemble, text by J. Górec-Rosiński, 1965, performed in Warsaw 1966, published in Kraków 1967

Canti per soprano e orchestra, 1967, performed in Warsaw 1968, published in Kraków 1970

Sinfonia per coro e orchestra, 1969

L’être for soprano, flute, cello and 2 pianos, 1973

Ewokacja for baritone and orchestra, 1974

Symfonia for choir and orchestra, published in Kraków 1981

Gaude Mater for soprano, choir and orchestra, 1990

Lacrimosa for soprano and piano, published in Warsaw 1991

Dies irae for mixed choir, percussion and piano, published in Poznań 1992

Agnus Dei for soprano and piano, 1995

Requiem for soprano, mixed choir, percussion and organ, 1996


Sonata Belzebuba, musical spectacle according to S.I. Witkiewicz, 1977, staged in Wrocław 1997

Gra snów, musical drama in 2 acts according to A. Strindberg, 1985