
Besozzi, Carlo (EN)

Biography and Literature

Besozzi, Carlo, *1738 Naples, †22 March 1791 Dresden (?), Italian oboists, Antonio’s son and student. He belonged to a family of musicians specialising in oboe playing, representatives of which are mentioned in sources from the 16th to the 19th centuries. From 1754, he was employed at the court of the Polish king Augustus III and then of the Elector of Saxony Frederick Augustus in Dresden. He went on numerous concert trips around Europe, including on 23 and 27 April 1777, when he gave concerts in Warsaw with the soprano G. Campagnucci. He composed oboe concertos, divertimentos and over 20 sonatas, mostly for two oboes, two horns and bassoon.

Literature (selection): M. Fürstenau Zur Geschichte der Musik und des Theaters am Hofe zu Dresden, vol. 2, Dresden 1862, reprint Leipzig 1971; B. Haynes Music for Oboe, 1650–1800: a Bibliography, Berkeley 1992; J. Adamus Carlo Besozzi: Wiederentdeckung eines Oboisten und Komponisten, „Das Orchester” 44/4 (1996); B. Haynes The Eloquent Oboe: A History of the Hautboy from 1640 to 1760, Oxford 2001.