
Stockmann, Doris (EN)


Stockmann Christine Doris, *3 November 1929 Dresden, †5 May 2006 Berlin, German ethnomusicologist. She studied piano, opera directing and music theory at the Dresden Conservatory in 1947–49, musicology (under H. Dräger, E. Meyer and W. Vetter), theatre history and art history at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 1949–52 and ethnography, folklore and linguistics under W. Steinitz at the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften from 1953 to 1958, where in 1958 (after obtaining her doctorate at Humboldt University based on a dissertation on the songs of the Altmark), she was employed as an assistant, and in 1964 as a folk music researcher; she also collaborated with the departments of history (from 1979) and aesthetics and art (from 1989). From 1965, she was a guest lecturer at numerous universities in Europe (including Poznań in 1977) and the United States. In 1982, she habilitated at the German Academy of Wissenschaften based on her work Interdisziplinäre Aspekte bei der Untersuchung musikethnologischer Probleme. From 1988, she headed a group at the IFMC that studies the historical sources of traditional music. Stockmann’s fieldwork concerns German song, Albanian polyphony and Sami music. Her articles on musical transcription, in which she defined the goals of transcription and presented proposals for standardising notation, have generated much response. Stockmann also addresses issues related to musical analysis, musical classification, music as a communication system and the physiological foundations of musical behaviour.


Der Volksgesang in der Altmark von der Mitte des 19. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin 1962 (extended version of a doctoral thesis)

Zur musikalischen Struktur einiger mehrstimmiger Gesänge der südalbanischen Laben and Das Problem der Transkription in der musikethnologischen Forschung, “Deutsches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde” XI, 1965 and XII, 1966

Musik, Sprache, Biokommunikation und das Problem der musikalischen Universalien and Musica vulgaris bei Johannes de Grocheio (Grocheo), “Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft” XXIV, 1982 and XXV, 1983

Universals in Aesthetic Valuation of Music?, “The World of Music” XXV, 1983

On Early History of Drums and Drumming in Europe and the Mediterranean, in the book of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology Congress in Stockholm 1984, ed. C.S. Lund, Stockholm 1986

Formprinzipien samischer Joiken und ihre Zusammenhänge mit der Gattungsfunktion, in: Probleme der Volksmusikforschung, the book of ICTM Congress in Fribourg 1987, ed. W. Braun, Berno 1990

Symbolism in Sami Music, in: Tradition and its Future in Music, materials for a symposium in Osaka 1990, ed. Y. Tokumanu et al., Osaka 1991

Approaches to a Concept of Musical Communication Structure, in: Comparative Musicology and Anthropology of Music. Essays on the History of Ethnomusicology, ed. B. Netti and P. v. Bohlman, Chicago 1991

Historical Studies on Folk & Traditional Music: ICTM Study Group on Historical Sources of Folk Music Conference Report, Copenhagen 24–28 April 1995, København 1997, with Jens Henrik Koudal

Zum ersten Weltalter der Musik. Thesen und Fakten, in the commemorative book of W. Wiora, ed. C.-H. Mahling and R. Seibert, Tutzing 1997

articles in “Musicologica Austriaca,” “Yearbook for Traditional Music,” “Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae,” “Deutsches Jahrbuch der Musikwissenschaft,” “Deutsches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde”


Volks- und Populärmusik in Europa, with A. Michel, Laaber 1992