

Acquaroni, Giuseppe (1780-1847)

[Veduta del Panteon d'Agrippa, in oggi Chiesa di S. Maria ad Martyres, comunemente della la Rotonda]

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Moschetti, Alessandro (zm. 1845 lub 1868)

[Piazza di Spagna]

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Sandby, Paul (1731-1809)

[The opening of the carnival at Rome. The Obelisk near the Porta del Popolo.]

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Moschetti, Alessandro (zm. 1845 lub 1868)

[Ponte, e Castello s. Angelo]

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Acon, Robert (1792-1880)

The Guild-Hall

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Rawle, Samuel (1771-1860)

A View of Burlington House & Albany in Piccadilly

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Maurer, J. (18 w.)

[A Perspective View of Covent Garden]

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Thomas, Walter (18 w.)

[North West view of Drury-Lane Theatre]

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Piranesi, Giovanni Battista (1720-1778)

[Veduta del Porto di Ripetta, fragment]

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