

[autor nieznany]

[View of the Front of the Old Opera House, Haymarket]

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[San Bartolomeo della parte del Tevere.]

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Specchi, Alessandro (1668-1729)

[Veduta E Prospetto Della Piazza Della Sacrosanta Basilica Lateranense Madre E Capo Di Tutti Le Chiese Delmondo Christiano]

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[autor nieznany]

Colle di S. Pietro

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Bowles, Thomas (1712?-1767)

A view of St James's Square London

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Higham, Thomas (1795-1844)

The Nelson Column, W. Railton, Esqr F.G.S. Architect, with the improvements of Trafalgar Square

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Canot, Pierre-Charles (1710-1777)

A View of London Bridge before the late alteration as in the Year 1757

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Bertrand & Pommer

[Der Minervatempel in Rom.]

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Dąbrowiecki, Stanisław (1920-1983)

[Teatr Muzyczny „Roma” w Warszawie]

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