
Towarnicka, Elżbieta (EN)


Towarnicka Elżbieta, *29 July 1950 Wrocław, Polish singer (soprano). She studied singing State Higher Music School in Krakow under B. Walczyńska (graduated in 1978). She is a laureate of the 1st Adam Didur Opera Singers’ Competition in Bytom (1979), in 1979–1981 she was a soloist at the Krakow Opera, performing among others in G. Puccini’s La Bohème and Tosca, G. Verdi’s La traviata and Rigoletto, K. Szymanowski’s King Roger. She gives concerts in Poland and abroad and her repertoire includes opera arias, oratorio and cantata music, Romantic and Old Irish songs. She took part in the recordings of Z. Preisner’s music for films: directed by K. Kieślowski Dekalog: Nine (1988), The Double Life of Veronique (1991) and Three Colours (1993–1994), Eminent Domain (directed by J. Irvin, 1990), Olivier, Olivier (directed by A. Holland, 1992), Quartet in 4 Movements (directed by L. Rikaki, 1994), De Aegypto (directed by J. Ptaszyńska, 1995), Weiser (directed by W. Marczewski, 2000), as well as in the premiere of his Requiem for My Friend (1998). She is associated with Piwnica pod Baranami; an important place in her repertoire and discography is occupied by the works of J.K. Pawluśkiewicz: Nieszpory Ludźmierskie 1992, Harfy Papuszy 1994, Amat Vita 1998, Droga – życie – miłość, O Męce i Zmartwychwstaniu Pana 1999, Przez tę ziemię przeszedł Pan 2005, Radość miłosierdzia 2008, Opowieści Weneckie o piekle i raju 2008, music to the film Kisvilma. Az utolsó napló, directed by M. Mészáros, 2001). Towarnicka made many archival recordings for the Polish Radio, took part in album recordings (including Ave Maria w Bazylice Mariackiej w Krakowie 2000, Pieśń rodzin katyńskich with music by H.M. Górecki, 2008). Since 2001, she has been teaching singing at the Witold Lutosławski Conservatory of Krakow. Endowed with a soprano of extraordinary, poignant timbre, she combines the original sound of her voice with exceptional technical precision, handling any of the many types and genres of music she performs with ease.