
Sikorowski, Andrzej (EN)


Sikorowski Andrzej, *10 October 1949 Krakow, Polish singer, guitarist, conductor, author of texts and poet. Graduate of Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University (1972), self-taught musician. He made his debut in 1970 at the 8th National Festival of Student Songs and Singers in Krakow (1st prize). He has been associated with Grupa pod Budą since 1977, and also performs solo. He creates mainly melodic ballads with lyrical (Ballada o ciotce Matyldzie) and reflective (Nie przenoście nam stolicy do Krakowa) lyrics; he also writes, among others, for M. Rodowicz (Polska Madonna). He composed music for animated films: Przygody Rzepa (dir. R. Gądek et al., 1983–87), Ciuchcia (dir. Ł. Słuszkiewicz, 1984), Jaś i Małgosia (dir. A. Nieżegorodcew, 1987). He recorded a few albums, including: Pod Budą 1980, Blues o starych sąsiadach 1995, Tokszoł 1996, Razem 2001, Kraków Saloniki (performed with daughter Maja, 2005). He is the author of the volumes of poetry Moje piosenki (Wrocław 1987), Lecz póki co żyjemy (Kraków 1990), Andrzej Sikorowski (Warsaw 1999), and also publishes press columns. In 1979, he received the award of the weekly “Student” for his cultural activities, and in 1995 the award of the Krakow Voivode.