
Schneider, Alexander (EN)


Schneider Abraham Alexander, *21 September 1908 Vilnius, †2 February 1993 New York, American violinist, conductor and teacher. In 1918, he began learning violin in Vilnius, then studied with A. Rebner at the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main and with C. Flesch in Berlin. In 1925–33, he was concertmaster of the Frankfurter Museumsorch. Encouraged by his brother, Mischa Schneider, cellist of the Budapest Quartet from 1930, he was the second violinist of the ensemble in 1933–44 and 1955–67. In 1938, he settled in the United States; in 1944, he founded with B. Heifetz and E.I. Kahn Albeneri Trio, performed (including with M. Horszowski) with the New York Quartet and in duets with R. Kirkpatrick and E. Istomin. In 1952, he created his own string quartet, famous for its interpretation of J. Haydn’s works. Schneider collaborated with P. Casals in organising music festivals in Prades and Perpignan (France), San Juan (Puerto Rico) and Marlboro (Vermont, United States). In 1972, he founded the Brandenburg Players Band. He guest conducted many orchestras, including the Chamber Orchestra of Europe (DG album with works by A. Sznittke). He conducted teaching activities in New York, California, Washington, Chicago and Toronto.