
Kaczyński, Tadeusz (EN)


Kaczyński Tadeusz, *18 February 1932 Warsaw, †10 September 1999 Dolina Chochołowska, Polish musicologist, critic and music activist. In 1950-55, he studied musicology at the Jagiellonian University with Z. Jachimecki and S. Łobaczewska; in 1963-64, he attended O. Messiaen’s analysis class at the conservatory in Paris, and privately studied analysis with M. Deutsch. In 1956–57, he was a music editor at Polish Radio (programs for abroad). In 1958–60, he was an employee and later a curator of the WTM Library. In 1961–91, he was the head of the national department in the Ruch Muzyczny editorial office. In 1960-62 and from 1995, he published articles in “Tygodnik Powszechny,” and in 1962-78 reviews in “Sztandar Młodych.” In 1991–93, he was the artistic director of the Representative Artistic Ensemble of the Polish Army. He published many articles and reviews in the domestic press (“Ruch Muzyczny,” “Jazz,” “Opera viva,” “Studio,” “Scena Perowa,” “Teatr” and others) and foreign press (“Fono-Forum,” “Opernwelt,” “Melos,” “Slovenská Hudba,” “Rassegna Musicale Curci,” “Le Monde Musical,” “Diapason,” “L’Avant-scène Opéra” and others). He produced numerous radio and television programs, including a series of programmes about W. Lutosławski’s works on Polish Radio, a series about the history of Chopin competitions on TV, and programmes about Polish music on French radio. In 1965–71, he worked in SPAM as secretary and then vice-chairman of the Critics Section. In 1970–81, he was a member of the repertoire committee of the International Festival of Contemporary Music “Warsaw Autumn.” In 1975–77, he was a member of the board of the ZKP Musicologists’ Section (in 1993–95, he was a chairman), and in 1983–85, he was a member of the Main Board of the ZKP. In 1981, he was a member of the Cultural Committee of NSZZ “Solidarność” in the Mazovia region. In 1983, he founded and then headed the so-called R. Traugutt Philharmonic Hall, where he organised patriotic and religious concerts. He received the SPAM Critics Section award twice for the best article about the Warsaw Autumn festival (1965, 1966), the SPAM Critics Section annual award (1971), the Bronze Cross of Merit (1980), the Solidarity Independent Culture Committee award (1985), and the 1st prize at the International Radio Competition in Brno for the program Lutosławski – silhouette of the creator (1976).


Texte poétique – en tant que source d’inspiration musicale dans certains chants de Chopin et de Moniuszko, in: The Book of the First International Musicological Congres, devoted to the Works of F. Chopin 16th–22nd February 1960, Warsaw 1963

Zagadnienie autonomiczności i nieautonomiczności muzyki na przykładzie twórczości K. Szymanowskiego, in: K. Szymanowski. Księga sesji naukowej 1962, Warsaw 1964

Polnische Avant-garde am Scheideweg, “Melos” XXXV, 1968 Nos. 1–2

Dzieje sceniczne “Halki”, Kraków 1969

  1. Penderecki, “Slovenská Hudba” XIII, 1969 No. 1
  2. Serocki, in: Muzyka w Polsze. Informacyonnyj biulletień Polskogo Muzykalnogo Sowieta, Warsaw 1969

Młodzi kompozytorzy polscy w Paryżu w latach 1926–1950 a stosunki muzyczne polsko-francuskie, “Muzyka” 1972 No. 2

Neue Polnische Namen, “Melos” XXXIX, 1972 No. 3

Rozmowy z W. Lutosławskim, Kraków 1972, 2nd edition revised Wrocław 1993, German edition Leipzig 1976, English extended edition London 1984

  1. Messiaena “Kwartet na koniec świata,” “Muzyka” 1978 No. 4

Stowarzyszenie Młodych Muzyków Polaków w Paryżu, “Muzyka” 1978 No. 3

“Warszawska Jesień” 1956–1981, with A. Zborski, album, Kraków 1983

Messiaen, Kraków 1984

“Le Manoir hanté” i Les clefs du “Manoir hanté”, “L’Avant-scène Opéra” 1986 No. 83

Inspiracje folklorem w twórczości A. Panufnika, in: Inspiracje w muzyce XX w., material from the National Musicological Session in Podkowa Leśna 1993, Warsaw 1993

  1. Panufnik i jego muzyka, 1994

Lutosławski. Życie i muzyka, Warsaw 1994

Notatnik muzyczny W. Lutosławskiego and Panufnik nadal nieobecny, in: Mistrzowie muzyki późnego renesansu, papers from the National Musicological Conference in Toruń 1994, Warsaw 1994

numerous reviews of works in the programmes of the Warsaw Autumn, “Musik-Protokoll” in Graz, the programmes of the Polish National Film Festival, WOSPRiT, the Pomeranian Philharmonic, the Grand Theatre in Warsaw, the Grand Theatre in Łódź, the Poznań Opera, the Bydgoszcz Opera and others.


Wystawa Moniuszkowska. Warszawa, wrzesień – październik 1958, with J. Neumann, catalogue, Warsaw 1958

Aktualne problemy teatru operowego w kraju, materiały z konferencji w Kudowie i w Poznaniu 1969, Wrocław 1972

III Kongres Międzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Teatrów Operowych, Warszawa 12–15 IX 1987, Warsaw 1990