Augustyn Rafał, *28 August 1951 Wrocław, Polish composer, music critic and Polish teacher. He studied composition at PWSM in Wrocław with R. Bukowski (1971–74) and at PWSM in Katowice with H.M. Górecki (diploma 1978). In 1969–74, he studied Polish philology at the Wrocław University (doctorate 1982 – Zagadnienia pokrewieństw strukturalnych w twórczości artystycznej okresu modernizmu [Issues of structural relationships in the artistic work of the modernist period]. Since 1973, he has worked at this university at the Polish Philology Institute. In 1979–80, he taught Polish at the State University of New York in Stony Brook. He is a contributor of “Ruch Muzyczny” magazine, “Odra” monthly, Polskie Radio (among others, the cycle Nowa muzyka, nowa wrażliwość), and TVP (cycle Klasyk, nasz bliski). In 1984–94, together with M. Pijarowski, he was responsible for the festival Musica Polonica Nova in Wrocław. In 1981–98, he was a member of the Program Committee of the Warsaw Autumn Festival. Co-founder of the Brevis Music Publishing House. He occasionally performs as a pianist.
Works by Rafał Augustyn are characterised by: asymmetry of construction, variation technique, variable metre (common irreversible rhythms), harmony based on synthetic chords, rich colourism, strong emotionalism and a complex system of musical symbols. Some pieces betray the influence of jazz music and an individual approach to repetitive music. Noteworthy are virtuoso solo works (Variations on a Theme of Paganini, Varesiana) and lyrical vocal cycles. Orchestral works are generally short and compact, while the chamber forms of music sometimes take a monumental scale (Carmina da tempore). In recent years, the composer has penetrated the area of electronic music (24-hour piece SPHAE.RA) and text-sound compositions.
Utwory podróżne for piano, 1971–82
String Quartet No. 1, 1972
Monosonata for piano, 1976, published in Kraków 1979
Ballad for strings, 1977
Atlantis I for orchestra, 1979
En blanc et noir for harpsichord, 1979, published in Kraków 1987; 2nd version for harpsichord and chamber orchestra, 1987
Klangfarbenmelodie for percussion quartet, 1979
Romans for trombone, string bass, timpani and 2 pianos, 1980
String Quartet No. 2 with flute ad libitum, 1981, published in Kraków 1986
Atlantis II for orchestra and choir, 1983
Long Island Rail Road for violin and accompanying items, 1984
Cyclical Piece No. 1 for violin, 1986, published in Poznań 1990
Varesiana for flute, 1987, published in Poznań 1996
Auftakt for orchestra, 1989
Variations on a Theme of Paganini, 1989, published in Poznań 1993
Cyclical Piece No. 2 for string bass, 1990, published in Poznań 1994
A linea for cello and string orchestra, 1995
Toccata festiva for youth orchestra, 1997
Miroirs for 5 performers, 1997
Three Roman Nocturnes for mixed choir, 1990, published in Poznań 1993
Szczebrzeszyn for children choir, 1992, published in Poznań 1992
Carmina de tempore for soprano, piano and alto, 1981, published in Poznań 1998
A Life’s Parallels for high voice and orchestra, 1983
5 kaligramów Apollinaire’a for soprano and piano, 1991, published in Poznań 1998
In partibus for male choir and piano, 1995
Figle szatana, ballet, according to A. Münchheimer and S. Moniuszko, 1985
Cantus puerorum, pantomima, libretto H. Tomaszewski according to the Book of Daniel, 1993
Electronic music:
SPHAE.RA, 1992
Per Sawa, 1998
O melodyce utworów T. Bairda, “Ruch Muzyczny” 1975 No. 8
Pojęcie secesji w zastosowaniu do muzyki, in: Muzyka polska a modernizm, collective work, Kraków 1981
Tendencje klasycystyczne w najnowszej muzyce polskiej, “Ruch Muzyczny” 1984 No. 13
Artykulacja słowa u Mahlera, in: «Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu» No. 35, Wrocław 1983
Henryk Mikołaj Górecki jako pedagog, in: «Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu» No. 49, Wrocław 1990